1. Arthur had an abscessed anal gland last week. He was really good on our trip to WV and now we know why. I had to wipe his behind Saturday night. Ick.
2. I received some really great Christmas gifts this year but these are two of my favorites. Thank you wonderful husband!
3. I am totally addicted to spinning. I would go every day if I had time. In fact, when Jonathan goes to WV again for a visit with my parents, I think that I WILL go every day. I can't explain it, I just love it. The new shoes and the Sigg water bottle make it that much better. I may venture into outdoor cycling come spring but I'm not sure if it will be as much fun when I'll have to face the elements.
4. One of the presents I received this year was this. In fact, I received two. Odd.
5. Jonathan received a gigantic fire truck, among approximately one million other things, from my sister this year. It shoots water because a remote control and sirens are not enough. Despite the fact that the package said it was for ages five and up, Jonathan is able to operate it like a pro.
6. Jonathan and I go to Walmart every Sunday for our weekly grocery shopping. This week, I almost peed myself in the cereal aisle when he pointed to a box of Fruit Loops and asked if he could have some "hoop-a-loops." The kid can say toucan but not Fruit Loops, go figure.
7. Why can I not remember to take my reusable shopping bags in with me during aforementioned trips to Walmart? I bought some super cute ones at Whole Foods, thinking I would put them in the trunk so they would always be with me. But I NEVER get them out of the car. Anyone have any ideas on how to get in the habit?
8. I think my MIL may have an addiction to QVC, an ailment that has not been at all helped by the fact that she was home bound due to a recent outpatient surgery.
9. Jonathan is spending the night at my MIL's tomorrow night and I am SO excited to have a child free New Year's Eve.
10. My birthday is nine days away. Wicked is in town and Bryan and I are going on my birthday. Not as adventurous as skydiving, but a lot less risky!
Happy New Year's to everyone! See you in 2009!
potato leek soup
6 days ago