One of my favorite toys when I was little was a Sit N Spin. I just remember thinking that it rocked. Maybe it was just the simplicity of it.
We recently received a hand me down Sit N Spin from Bryan's friend Steve and his family. It still works the same way, but it looks completely different and, for some reason, our good friends at Playskool felt the need to add music. Luckily it's optional and is operated by a switch on the bottom. It took Jonathan a little while to figure it out. Guess which option he prefers?
Ah, it looks like so much fun! The addition of the music apparently is apparently the trade-off for the fact that the product is not as sturdy as in the old days. Sadly I am well over the weight limit regardless of sturdiness.
Of course, Curious George had to ride too. Arthur, who is quivering in the background, was spared the fun.
Thanks, Bagby family, for the great toy!!
potato leek soup
6 days ago
Oh, we've got one, too. But I think it's used more for dance music than for actual spinning.
That looks really fun!
Isn't that the truth about it not being nearly as sturdy as the good ol' days! I just saw my nieces over the weekend and thought the same thing.
Looks like Jonathan is having so much fun.
I always wanted a sit and spin when I was little but sadly never got one. Neither did my kids. Jonathan looks like he really enjoys sitting on it!
Hi,Johnathan's Mother. A quick word about what you wrote on Aubree's Blog on the 9th ... please keep in mind that there may be Small, but precocious Children reading comments left about her.
Some of them MAY NOT UNDERSTAND that when you say "seriously", You'd kill for a post-todler's hair ...
You're using two expressions together, NOT Desiring to murder her to take a part of her body away.
Since Shana-Lynn is her mother, She'll probably keep everthing straight, but You know, in the future ...
Not to leave on that note, I suspect your Quirk #3 may be related to Quirk #6.
I have a talent for dream interpretation and I suspect your dreams arise from self-doubt that you deserve him. Its' a variant of what's called "the imposter syndrome".
Just think about how long eight years are, get paper, and make a list of the times things COULD have ended like in the dreams and why they didn't.
But then again, I assume Bryan is your husband and not, say, another pet that likes to run off in the woods, a character on your favorite TV show,or the like.
Thanks for the note Aubreee's Dad's Cousin. Definitely not the best choice of words!
I appreciate the thoughts on the dream interpretation, too--I suspect that there is at least some truth in what you are saying.
Hopefully the truth is that I am not a pet . . .
You ever loving, ever present, and never leaving HUSBAND, Bryan
Very heartwarming blog, children are wonderful!
Confused about the above comment re: killing for hair but since that blog is passcoded I'm guessing a kid would have to be REALLY precocious to break the code and read it.
Anywho, love the sit n spin! My MIL has one for the kids. I'm jealous, I never had one. It amazes me the ability of a kid to make themselves crazy dizzy and then go back for more. (or as my kids say, "I'm getting bizzy!")
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