For some reason, every day this week when I've picked J-man up from school, he's been grumpy. Not just a little irritable, but full-fledged, whining, pink-faced grumpy. It has been unpleasant, to say the least.
Today was truly the icing on the cake. I got to school to pick him up as usual. When I walked into the room, he was slumped against a bookshelf crying. When I asked "Nina," his all-time favorite teacher, what the problem was, she told me that he wanted the purple sparkly backpack another kid had and he was upset about having to share. I scooped him up, gathered his belongings and headed to the car. On the way home, he intermittedly asked for Nina, juice, trucks and Abby (my mother's chihuahua with whom he is unnaturally fascinated). These requests were punctuated with exclamations of "eat, eat" which normally (and logically) means that he's hungry.
So we get home and I fix one of his favorite dinners--chicken, cheese and peas. With ample supplies of ketchup, of course. I put him in his high chair, put the bib on and give him the tray with his dinner on it. Immediate meltdown. Incalculable levels of whining. I tried to ask him what was wrong and it just escalated. Add to this that I had a completely HORRID day at work and I seriously thought I was headed for a 72 hour stay in a psych ward. I tried everything and then his eye caught a box of Little Debbie Pecan Spinwheels. Only one remained. He pointed at it and said "eat, eat." When I asked him if that is what he wanted, he said yes. Initially, I said "eat some dinner and then we can have it." That tactic failed miserably so, in an effort to save my sanity, I opened it and gave it to him.
All whining ceased and he happily ate the Spinwheel and drank a box of juice (100% juice, but still!). That was his dinner. So I sacrificed good nutrition for my personal sanity. Is that selfish? All of a sudden, I realized I have done a complete 360 from this time a year ago. This time last year, I literally agonized over every ounce of sugar or artificial additive that went into his body. I went out of my way to purchase organic baby food or, at a minimum, all natural products. I viewed high fructose corn syrup as an evil to be avoided at all costs. And now, this very day, in fact, my child consumed a Little Debbie product FOR DINNER. I am horrified, but at the same time, the end of the incessant screaming was pretty awesome. Someone please tell me that this is just a phase....
potato leek soup
6 days ago